You Can’t “Tutorial?” Your Way Into Being Her

Let’s get one thing straight: you’re not about to “tutorial” your way into becoming the girl you’re stalking on Instagram. You know the one—flawless skin, perfect beat, effortless style. You see her living her best life, and here you are, typing “Makeup tutorial? Drop the skincare routine, queen!” in the comments. But here’s the tea: you’re NEVER gonna be her. 

You can follow every makeup routine, buy all the serums, and replicate her morning workout—but none of that is gonna magically transform you into her. So, let’s stop the delusion and BFFR.

The “Perfect Girl” Is a Lie

Listen, you’re only seeing what she *wants* you to see. The perfectly lit selfies? The flawless gym shots? That’s just a highlight reel, babe. You don’t see the bad days, the struggles, the stress. No one’s posting their breakdowns or bad skin days.

You’re chasing a version of her that isn’t even real. And no amount of tutorials, routines, or tips is gonna give you that kind of glow because it doesn’t exist outside of Instagram filters.

You Can’t Steal Her Confidence

Let’s be honest—what you really want isn’t her skincare routine. It’s her confidence. You want to feel that same sense of "I’ve got my shit together" energy she’s putting out. But confidence doesn’t come from following someone else’s playbook.

Confidence is about doing the work, inside and out. It’s about accepting yourself for who you are, not trying to recreate someone else’s vibe. Sure, makeup tutorials and gym routines can help, but they’re not the secret sauce. Confidence? That’s something you build by working on *yourself*, not by copying someone else.

Make Your Own Damn Routine

Instead of chasing someone else’s life, it’s time to build your own. Find what makes you feel good. Discover what routines, habits, and looks work for YOUR life. You weren’t put here to be a carbon copy of someone else—you’ve got your own energy, your own potential.

Following someone else’s routine might make you look a little like her, but it’ll NEVER give you her vibe. And honestly, why would you want that? You’re too unique to be a copycat. Build your own path, create your own routines, and find what makes you feel.

Nobody Likes a Fake

Sis, her glow is hers. You can’t just copy and paste someone else’s routine and expect to shine the same way. That’s not how it works. You’re out here asking for her secrets, but the real secret is being yourself.

If you’re too busy trying to become a bootleg version of someone else, you’re robbing the world of the real you. And guess what? No one wants the generic version of anything. We’re here for the real deal—so start acting like it.

Go watch this video and then come back to me rq

You’re not gonna find confidence in a 10-step skincare routine or a slim waist workout routine. Confidence comes from within, from loving *you* for *you*. So, stop wasting time trying to be her, and start focusing on the one person who really matters— YOU.

Trust me, the world needs the authentic you, not a copy of someone else. 

Peace and Love,

Pretty Please xo

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