Stop Raw Dogging Seasonal Depression

As the weather starts to cool down and the days get shorter, it’s not just your wardrobe that needs an upgrade—your mood might too. Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) or, more casually, seasonal depression, is real and affects more people than you’d think. One of the biggest factors behind this mood shift? Vitamin D, or rather, the lack of it.

The Vitamin D Link

During the summer, when the sun is out in full force, your body naturally soaks up all that delicious Vitamin D. But in the colder months, with less sunlight, your body’s Vitamin D production takes a hit. And since Vitamin D plays a crucial role in mood regulation, this drop can leave you feeling sluggish, sad, and just plain meh. Research even links low Vitamin D levels to increased risks of depression, especially in those gloomy months.

So how can you fight back against seasonal depression? Here are some tips to brighten your days (literally and figuratively).

Get Outside, Even When It’s Cold

Yes, I know, leaving your cozy bed to face the cold sounds like a crime against comfort, but hear me out. Even during the winter, there’s still some sunlight to soak up. Make it a habit to get outside during the brightest part of the day, even if it’s just for a 10-minute walk.

Pop a Pill

If you’re not getting enough Vitamin D from natural sunlight, supplements can be a great way to boost your levels. Talk to your doctor about your Vitamin D levels and see if supplementation might be a good idea for you. Plus, they’re super affordable and easy to incorporate into your routine.

Move Your Body

It’s easy to go full hibernation mode when it’s cold, but keeping active helps release endorphins, your brain’s natural mood boosters. You don’t have to run a marathon—just try a quick morning yoga flow, dance to your favorite playlist, or take a brisk walk. Anything to get your body moving!

Prioritise Social Connections

Seasonal depression often isolates us, making us want to cancel plans and retreat inward. But connecting with friends, attending events (like our upcoming Sisterhood Socials), or even just scheduling regular FaceTime chats can be the lifeline you need.

Winter doesn’t have to feel like a gray, endless tunnel. With these tips and some extra Vitamin D, you can kick those seasonal blues to the curb.


Wrap up and enjoy this winter

With love,

Pretty Please xo

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yes girl! winter means gym to get me out of the house and keep moving when i don’t want to go on walks


Gotta start taking my own advice 😩😔


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